Do ______________ to get a payrise | Nudge Newsletter 🧠

Power pause.

In one study (cited in The Anatomy of a Breakthrough), a team of psychologists investigated the value of pauses during negotiations.

They asked 60 pairs of university students to negotiate over a job package. One of the students was the recruiter, and the other was the job candidate.

50% were directed to pause during the negotiation.

50% were directed to negotiate naturally.

The pause group performed far better.

They negotiated better deals (for both parties). According to Adam Alter:

"They inspired superior outcomes for both parties and encouraged negotiators to see that some issues could be negotiated to the benefit of both parties rather than competitively."

Before negotiating your next pay rise, remember to pause.

Big thank you to today's sponsors Lately 👇

The Future of Social Marketing 📣

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  • Keys into the ideal messaging for any target audience
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Before ending, I want to say a massive thank you to all of you who came and said hello to me at Inbound last week.

This really is the GOAT marketing conference. I was blown away by its size and the quality of the talks. I had the chance to meet a few of my marketing heroes and even recorded a podcast while there. Hopefully, I'll see more of you next year in San Fran.


(3 second pause)


Also, Steve Martin's latest book, Influence at Work, just came out yesterday. Robert Cialdini said it is "superb," so you know it's good. If you like the show, you'll love it. The Kindle edition is cracking value, too. Grab a copy.

P.S. I've just subscribed to the Captivate newsletter. It's a great read for behavioural science fans. Check it out.

Nudge Newsletter

I spend 18 hours each week turning marketing psychology into readable newsletters.

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